Discover the Unexpected
Did you ever wish you had a big sister to offer some wisdom? Or maybe an eccentric aunt? I know I'm an odd chicken-keeping, religiously observant Jewish lady, but I wasn't always this way. I've just had an unusual life and developed an unusual perspective.
Deliberate Dating Demystified:
A Discussion for Single Women
It's hard to dispute that nearly everyone hates dating. It's exhausting. It uses up a lot of time, energy and money, mostly with minimal results. And how many times can one person get her heart broken before giving up?
It sometimes feels as if one has to choose between dating and living a happy, productive life!
In today's world of Internet dating, people have all kinds of ideas about what they are looking for, what is appropriate behavior and how to select a mate. Miscommunication, embarrassment and heartbreak are common, but a way to minimize these risks does exist and can be adapted to look for nearly any desired relationship.
Are you the organizer of a group looking for speakers on topics of interest to singles?
Gather your group together and we'll talk about dating deliberately. Learn about a time-tested method of finding lasting love without wasting time or getting your heart broken over and over. Equip your group with the knowledge of how to look for love without sacrificing the energy to live their lives happily and productively.