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Happy Birthday to You... You Live in a Zoo...

Written by
Bonnie Simon Bellefy
Published on
March 4, 2025

My friend, Realtor Kaitie Brown, sent me this on my birthday:

She knows me well.

I'll admit that it's true. We do kind of have a zoo. This is why I like to say I'm living a life that my 7-year-old self would heartily approve of.

Allow me to introduce the inmates of this zoo. You've seen some of them in the newsletter, but you've never been properly introduced.

Murphy has been instructed to "go to her spot", which usually means dinner and that my husband will sneak some of my high-quality cooking to her. I find this shocking. She is a very loved dog.

Murphy is a 5 year old German Shepherd. She is very well behaved, but takes her job as Homestead Security Guard very seriously. If you have a German Shepherd, you know the jokes about, "Sector 5, clear!" are true.

Patience is my baby. I am his mama. We agree on this matter.

Patience the Cat is My Favorite Animal. I tell him this every day. If you followed my former blog, the defunct Hungry Chicken Homestead, you've met Patience before. He came to live here when he was 6 weeks old and has been my constant companion ever since. He's 13 years old now and spends more time dry nursing on his blankie and less time taunting the chickens. He used to taunt them. He was playing. The chickens were not playing, but luckily, they never caught him.

Scout is the newest feline addition to the household.

Scout the Cat arrived in 2023 from the Look What the Cat Brought In shelter. He was two-years-old and had spent his entire life in a Cat Room! This had interesting effects. He's been here for 2 years now and he's finally figured out why humans are worth some attention. When he first got here he had no interest in me, but was obsessed with Patience! Patience was not thrilled with this, so was helpful when Scout figured out that humans have hands and hands are good for petting. The first time I scratched him behind the ear, he simply melted to the floor in shock. These days, he likes to sleep draped over my nice warm husband and has generally come to the conclusion that being a Beloved House Cat is not a bad arrangement.

This concludes the introduction to the quadrupeds. Next time, I'll start in on the birds. It will be a long article so be sure to bring a snack. We did not understand the concept of "Chicken Math", which is how one bird leads to another. Stay tuned and hear all about it!

Bonnie Simon Bellefy

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