Better Than We Can Imagine - Dr. Erin Foley
Sometimes it’s a strange thing to be a woman.
Like most women, probably like you, I struggled to manage my day-to-day well-being during certain parts of my childbearing years. I used to wonder what manifestation of my pre-menstrual self would appear each month. Would she be angry? Tearful? Confused?
It got better as I got older and I thought I would sail through menopause with no problem and other than feeling hot all the time, I did.
Until I didn’t.
I’m certainly not the only woman to experience some unexpected health issues in midlife and that’s where Dr. Erin Foley, owner of Vibrant Healthy Woman, comes in. Dr. Erin is a chiropractor by training who offers Functional Medicine services to women to help with problems we often encounter as we age.
She is the Hormone Detective, as she phrases it, who doesn’t just guess. She uses testing to get to the root cause of the problem and how to treat it.
That’s pretty inspiring isn’t it! I like to find what is inspiring about the people I interview and I definitely think it’s inspiring that Dr. Erin can help women have the health that lets us enjoy what may possibly be the best part of life.
But there’s more!
The story of how Dr. Erin shaped her practice is inspiring in itself.
In 2019, Dr. Erin was working out of her office in Golden with about half of her clients coming in for chiropractic and the other half were Functional Medicine clients. Since she loves Functional Medicine she wanted to expand that part of her practice and was working in that direction.
And then, the unexpected happened.
Dr. Erin was in an accident that left her unable to stand. She would recover, but the recovery period was long and she wouldn’t be able todo chiropractic work.
If that wasn’t challenge enough, COVID hit shortly after and the state shut down chiropractic clinics!
Crazy, right? It’s enough to make a person give up! But that’s not what Dr. Erin did.
Instead, she asked herself, “How could this turn out better than I can possibly imagine?”.
What a great question!
Instead of giving up, she used technology to shift her practice to what she had wanted to do anyway! She moved her existing functional medicine clients to Zoom and began using technology to bring in new clients. Her website offers a free class. She blogs, speaks to groups and networks, largely online. She uses a mailing list to keep in touch.
She says she’s a “social introvert”, a person who likes to socialize but also likes her time at home, so this kind of life works well for her. She took a difficult situation and turned it into an ideal life.
It certainly seems like she was able to take the answer to her question and turn it into reality!
What advice would she give to young women?
· Believe in yourself!
· Watch your expenses and make sure there is a profit.
· Decide how much you want to work and build your business accordingly.
· Create the life and business YOU want. A business serves the community, but make sure it serves you too.
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