Bonnie Simon Says

Writer * Speaker * Auto Broker * Crazy Chicken Lady

As I write this, there is a cat knocking my notes off the table. The dog, who has an unrequited love for the cat, struggles to behave and stay seated instead of giving in to her desire to beg the cat to play with her. Three doves in a cage nearby enthusiastically kick birdseed into a circle on the floor while calling for mates who don't exist and they really don't want.

I've tried making introductions, but they clearly prefer their imaginary mates to real ones.

There are coffee stains on the carpet. I have a deadline, so I'm racing in high gear, and my sweet husband, who is retired, keeps pulling me off my well-worn racetrack to kiss me. The chickens in the backyard punctuate the morning traffic sounds with egg songs that have to be attended to before they eat the egg.

They are very bad chickens.

Unlike the doves, I prefer my real mate to imaginary ones. I love my backyard of unruly hens, and I don't know what I would do without my beautiful cat. The doves coo early in the morning, and the mammals sit together; humans drinking coffee and quadrupeds beginning the day's four-legged drama.

I take care of this messy little family, and it means more to me than anything.

It's not a life of order or glamour. It's not a life of wild business success. I thought I wanted those things, but after years of single widowhood, I see that what I want more than anything is meaning and contentment. I've built this life brick by brick, and because God has endowed me with talents for writing, recounting meaningful stories, and reconstructing the process of how I got here, I have the chance to share.

How can I do that? Despite sounding abstract, sharing meaning and light is a very practical matter. I wrote a book about coming to terms with my first husband's death. I talk to women about how to find a mate of their own without experiencing heartbreak over and over.

And meaning even comes in unexpected places, like at work. I'm not a paramedic or a therapist, and yet I find a lot of meaning even as an auto broker in helping other women navigate the uncomfortable process of buying a car.

Whether through my writing, my talks, or my work, my hope is to share the lessons I've learned and the joys I've found in the midst of life's messiness. Here, on this website, I share my stories with you, hoping that they might shine a little light on your path too.

Discover the Wisdom of Bonnie's Backyard

Join Bonnie on a transformative journey as she shares the unexpected life lessons she learned from her backyard flock of chickens.


"If I had known what a trouble it was to make a book I wouldn't a tackled it..." - Mark Twain, Tom Sawyer.

It is indeed hard to make a book, but I published one anyway. I also write a blog focusing on dating, relationships, and finding humor in life’s challenging situations. Through my writing, I aim to illuminate an often-confusing path for those who come after me.

Check out My BookCheck Out My Blog

As a speaker, I aim to demystify some of life's challenges, such as dating, marriage and loss. My goal is to provide clarity, confidence, and a fresh perspective on relationships, helping women navigate the dating world with ease and understanding.

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Amateur Chicken Farmer

After losing my first husband unexpectedly, I found solace and purpose in raising a flock of backyard chickens, which taught me valuable lessons about life and death and helped me navigate my grief.

Let's See Some Chickens!
Auto Broker

As an auto broker, I provide a trusted and supportive service, acting like a “big sister” to women as they navigate the car buying process, helping them save time and stress.

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"Many people turn to something destructive to deal with grief, like drugs or alcohol," a grief counselor said to me. "But not you. You turned an obsession with chickens into a way of dealing with loss."

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Deliberate Dating Blueprint

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Deliberate Dating Blueprint
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